The Mirror Committee 08 is established to deal with household items and home appliances sector. The committee monitors the respective activities in the field of European and international standardization and submits opinions / comments on draft European Standards.
Within the context of its operation, MC 08 is provided with the opportunity to review the European standards and reflect on the challenges present in the local industry and economy. Any observations, comments or suggestions are transferred to the relevant European Technical Committees via the Cyprus Standardization Organization.
With the support of CYS, subject matter experts from the public services and private companies of Cyprus active in the field, can participate and contribute to the work of European Standardization, can promote national interests and stay informed about all the developments in the fields concerning them. Stakeholders which already participate in the Committee come from the Labor Inspection Department of the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health, the Consumers’ Association, the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ETEK), the Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) as well as the Pancyprian Union of Chemists (PEEX).
The standards’ titles that are under public review and commenting can be found on the Cyprus Standardization Organization’s website under the title “Standards prEN”. Interested parties can contact CYS and can request copies obtain of the draft standards under review