The National Technical Committee for Standardization CYS / TC 06 for Concrete oversees the standardization work of the respective European Technical Standardization Committee CEN / TC 104 – Concrete and related products, which deals with the properties and requirements for fresh and hardened concrete, production and delivery of fresh concrete, concrete components, e.g. mixing of water, additives and admixtures. At the same time, other issues concern grouts for prestressed tendons, fibers for use in concrete; – execution of concrete structures; – production and execution of sprayed concrete; – products for the protection and repair of concrete structures.

Within the context of cooperation, consensus and teamwork, the meetings of the committee are open to stakeholders from the public and private sector, academic institutions, organized associations and consumers. In addition, a subcommittee which operates under the supervision of CYS / TC 06, deals with the study/research terms of reference, aiming to identify the effects of price and delivery temperature on concrete quality. Furthermore, the subcommittee actively participated in the preparation / amendment of the legislation covering the issuance of permits to easy-mixed concrete production and / or distribution companies. Efforts were also made in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry to remove the references to the Cyprus Standards CYS 13 and CYS 111 from the legislation and to replace them with the new European standard CYS EN 206 and National supplementary standard CYS 300.

CYS / TC 06 recently approved the updated version of CYS 300: 2019: Supplementary Cypriot Standard to CYS EN 206: 2013 + A1: 2016 Concrete: Specification, Performance, Production and Compliance as prepared by the subcommittee, replacing the previous version published in 2008