TC 2
Rotating machinery
The Committee develops standards which define the specifications for rotating machines based on IEC Publication 34 “Electric Rotating Machines” and their components, as well as the standards for mechanical oscillations of such machines. The focus is mainly on related aspects that have not already been proposed in IEC TC 2 or in one of the working groups of the committee.
TC 8X System aspects of electrical energy supply The committee is responsible for developing the necessary framework and coordinating the development of CENELEC standards, in cooperation with other technical committees, in order to facilitate the operation of electricity supply systems in free markets. |
TC 9X Electrical and electronic applications for railways The committee deals with the standardization of electrical and electronic systems, equipment and software used in all railway applications, whether in vehicles or the infrastructure, including the urban transport. |
TC 11 Overhead lines exceeding the threshold of 1 kV AC and 1.5 kV DC – The Committee prepares harmonized standards for overhead power lines. – The standards specify the general requirements to be met in the design and construction of an overhead line, in order for the line to be suitable for its purpose in terms of safety of individuals, maintenance, operation and environmental impact. CENELEC, CEN and IEC publications and other relevant documents are also reviewed by this committee. |
TC 13 Equipment for electrical energy measurement and load control The committee develops European standards (using IEC standards whenever possible) for electrical energy measurement and electrical charge control equipment (such as Watt meters, Var meters, time switches, load control equipment) including their electronic equivalents. |
TC 14 Power Transformers The committee develops harmonized standards for transformers and other components, based on IEC’s TC 14, SC 14B and 14C international standards. |
TC 17AC Distribution panels and high voltage control panels The committee develops harmonized standards for switchboards and high voltage control panels including their components for 1 KV AC and 1.5 KV DC. Note: In general, all IEC standards are adopted as European through the Dresden Agreement. At the same time the committee: – prepares and revises harmonized standards for gas distribution boards of which the design pressure is higher than the atmospheric pressure; – monitors and supports European standardization activities in the field of high voltage distribution and control panels in order to develop standards that are appropriate to meet the basic requirements of the European Directives. |
TC 17B Distribution panels and low voltage control panels including size standardization The committee develops harmonized standards for low voltage appliances, based on the final international standards (developed by the IEC SC 17B committee). |
TC 20 Electric cables The committee develops harmonized standards for the design, testing and end-use recommendations (including current ratings) for insulated electrical power and control cables, their accessories and cable systems, for use in wiring and in power generation, distribution and transmission with the exception of cables used in telecommunications. |
TC 21X Secondary cells and batteries The committee work includes the following standardization activities for secondary cells and batteries: – studies and adopts IEC TC 21 / SC 21A committee documents as CENELEC standards, – prepares standards concerning products, essential requirements and methods, – prepares safety standards and related codes of practice, – examines the environmental requirements for the products. |
TC 22X Electronics The committee develops standards related to electronics. TC 22X deals with the standards for the equipment, their components (especially electronic devices) and their extensions. The standards for power converters are jointly reviewed by TC 22X and relevant competent product committees. The following are excluded from the work of the committee: – converters for mobile rail vehicles – converters and charging equipment for electric vehicles – transmitters for telecommunications – dimmers for lighting. |
TC 23B Plugs, socket-outlets and switches The committee develops harmonized standards for general purpose manual switches, with a rated voltage which doesn’t exceed 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 63 A, intended for domestic and fixed electrical installations, for indoor or outdoor use. |
TC 23Ε Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use The committee develops harmonized standards for electrical circuit breakers used to protect against surges, for electric shock protection devices and all related components. These devices are used for home use and similar applications. |
TC 26Α Welding equipment The committee develops harmonized standards for the construction, installation, testing, use and safety of welding equipment. |
TC 26B Electrical resistance welding The Committee develops harmonized standards for the construction, installation, testing and use of electrical resistance welding equipment with the aim of improving electrical safety. |
TC 31 Equipment for explosive atmospheres The committee develops and maintains standards relating to intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and systems for use where there is a hazard due to the possible presence of explosive atmospheres of gases, vapors, mists or combustible dusts. Furthermore, the committee develops specific requirements of the production and control of electrical equipment with protection type “o”, protection type “q”, as well as other type of equipment. TC 31 coordinates the standardization work performed by subcommittees that examine electrical equipment in explosive atmospheres. |
TC 34Z Lighting fixtures and related equipment The committee develops harmonized standards based on international standards in the field of lighting, with the exception of light bulbs. |
TC 36Α Insulation rings The committee develops harmonized standards for rings used in electrical appliances, transformers and installations. |
TC 37A Low voltage surge protector The Committee develops the European Standards (ENs), Technical Specifications (TS) and Technical Reports (TRs) on this subject. These documents deal with low voltage surge protection devices (SPDs) for protection against surges due to lightning and / or other transient surges and their selection and application. These devices can be used in power generation, telecommunications and grids with voltages not exceeding 1000 V AC or 1500 V DC. |
TC 38X Instrument transformers The committee develops European standards for electronic, electromagnetic and capacitive equipment that transforms the voltage and current that supplies instruments and protective devices. |
Capacitors and EMI suppressants The committee develops the European standards required to facilitate trade between European users and manufacturers in the following areas: α) Capacitors, fixed and variable, for use in electronic equipment. β) Capacitors, resistors and coils, and combinations thereof, used to suppress electromagnetic interference. γ) Grids and integrated circuits containing capacitors, or combinations of resistors, capacitors and coils. Note: This committee does not consider: – Light capacitors. – Capacitors and power filters, covered by the activities of IEC TC 33. |
Resistances The committee deals with the following: – prepares the specifications for fixed and variable resistors, in accordance with the requirements of CECC 00.111, – prepares the standards and guidelines for fixed and variable resistors required to facilitate trade between European users and manufacturers – cooperates with other CENELEC committees to develop a system of specifications and standards that is flexible and homogeneous – cooperates with the International Technical Committees IEC, and more specifically with TC 40, TC 91 and TC 104, in order to promote the convergence of the two systems. Cooperation with TC 40 includes parallel voting on similar documents where possible. |
TC 44X
Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects The committee develops harmonized standards for electrical and electronic equipment and machine systems. The equipment covered starts from the point of connection of the electrical supply to the machine. At the same time, it prepares the harmonized standards for the safety of the equipment used in electrical technology, in order for the machines to meet the basic safety requirements of the European Directives of the Council of the European Communities.
TC 46X Communication cables The Committee contributes to the establishment of standards concerning wires, symmetrical cables, coaxial cables and conductors with wire conductors used in telecommunications, data transmission, radio frequencies and signaling equipment. |
TC 55 Winding cables The Committee shall contribute to the establishment of standards concerning wires, symmetrical cables, coaxial cables and conductors with wire conductors used in telecommunications, data transmission, radio frequencies and signaling equipment. |
TC 59X Consumer information about household electrical appliances The Committee establishes appropriate harmonized control methods to determine the characteristics of household appliances presented to the consumer for information, for example instantaneous energy and water consumption data as well as noise levels. |
TC 61 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances The committee harmonizes internationally recognized standards focusing on safety requirements for household and other similar electrical appliances and, where necessary, develops new harmonized standards for these appliances. All health and environmental requirements are taken into account by the committee. |
TC 61F Safety of manual and portable power tools with motor The committee develops harmonized standards for manual and portable power tools based on approved international standards. |
TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice The committee develops harmonized standards concerning production of electrical equipment used in healthcare (in the medical, veterinary, surgical and dental fields) aiming to facilitate trade and eliminate technical barriers. |
TC 64 Electrical installations and protection against electric shock The committee develops standards: – concerning protection against electric shock arising from equipment, from installations and from systems without limit of voltage, – for the design, erection foreseeable correct use and verification of all kind of electrical installations, except those installations covered by the following IEC committees: TC 9X, TC 44X – in coordination with TC 99, concerning requirements additional to those of TC 99 for the design, erection and verification of electrical installations of buildings above 1kV up to 35kV. The object of the standards to be published is: – to lay down requirements for installation and co-ordination of electrical equipment – to lay down basic safety requirements for protection against electric shock for use by technical committees – to lay down safety requirements for protection against other hazards arising from the use of electricity – to give general guidance to IEC member countries that may have need of such requirements – and to facilitate international exchanges that may be hampered by differences in national regulations. The standards do not cover individual items of electrical equipment other than their selection for use and installation. |
TC 65CX Fieldbus The committee develops standards for fieldbus and all its applications, for use in industrial measuring and control processes. |
TC 72 Automatic electrical controls The committee develops harmonized standards related to inherent safety, to the operating characteristics where such are associated with applicational safety, and to the testing of automatic electrical control devices used in appliances and other apparatus, electrical and non-electrical, for household and similar purposes, but also extended to industrial purposes when no dedicated product standards exist, such as that for central heating, air conditioning, process heating building automation etc. |
TC 76 Optical radiation safety and laser equipment The committed develops harmonized standards for equipment incorporating lasers and light emitting diodes). Furthermore, the standards cover those factors introduced by the use of lasers which are needed to characterize the equipment and which are essential to its safe use. Among others, the committee develops standards which determine the limits of human exposure to optical radiation from artificial sources. |
TC 78 Live working The committee develops CENELEC standards for tools, equipment and devices for utilization in live working, including personal protective gear used close to electrical systems or electrical installations |
TC 79 Alarm and electronic security systems The committee develops harmonized standards for protection systems which are purposed for the protection of individual’s and/or properties and for the material used by the specific systems. The activities of the committee include specific intruder alarm systems, access control systems, alarm systems, fire detection and fire alarm systems, video surveillance systems (CCTV) and other systems related to safety and protection. |
TC 81X Lightning protection The committee develops international standards and guides for lightning protection for structures, as well for persons, installations, services and contents. |
TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems The committee develops international standards for systems of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into electrical energy and for all the elements in the entire photovoltaic energy system. The TC 82 Committee develops specialized standards in areas where there are European concerns. |
TC 86Α Fiber optics and Fiver optic cables To prepare international standards for fiber optics and fiber optics cable embracing all types of communications applications excluding image transmitting types, according to the requirements of CECC00.111. document. |
TC 86BXA Fiber optic interconnect, passive and connectorized components The committee develops and maintains European Standards and specifications for fiber optic interconnecting devices, passive and/or connectorized components and associated connecting material. |
TC 88 Wind energy generation systems The committee develops draft standards for wind energy generation systems using a work plan which is based on the European Committee directives for standardization in the specific field. |
ΤC 97 Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes The committee develops international standards for design, installation, verification and maintenance of aeronautical ground lighting of aerodromes. The activity covers requirements which apply to the whole system from the incoming power to the aerodrome up to and including the luminaires used in aeronautical ground lighting. The activity of the committed does not cover: – electrical installations already standardized by TC 64; – luminaires not used as aeronautical ground lights standardized by TC 34; – special cables for the constant current series circuit standardized by TC 20. Note. – Operational requirements for aeronautical ground lights are specified in Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. |
TC 99X Power installations exceeding 1 kV alternating charge (1,5 kV direct charge) The committee develops harmonized standards for high voltage power installations (exceeding 1 kV a.c. or 1,5 kV d.c.) located indoors or outdoors, including earthing. The standards will specify the design requirements of the installations, and the selection and erection of electrical equipment in order to ensure the safety of persons and the proper operation of the installations. The standards are not be applicable to factory built and type tested equipment, but will be relevant to the installation of this equipment. The standards will not be applicable to overhead and underground lines between separate installations. |
TC 106X Electromagnetic fields in the human environment TC 106X deals with various aspects of the exposure of people to electromagnetic fields from 0 Hz to 300 GHz. |
TC 107X Process management for avionics The committee develops process management standards on systems, components and equipment used in the field of avionics. Avionics includes electronics used in commercial, civil and military aerospace applications. The work of TC 107X will take into account the special European needs e.g. in the field of ecological and environmental concerns such as disposal or recycling of electronic equipment, including the previous work items of BTTF 91-3 and BTTF 101-3. Furthermore, CLC/TC 107X is to ensure that the specific European requirements will adequately be reflected in IEC/TC 107. |
TC 108
Safety of electronic equipment within the field of audio/video, information technology and communication technology The committee: – examines the adoption by CENELEC the technical work performed by IEC/TC108 and coordinates the cooperation with other technical organizations at European level such as with ETSI so that EN 60950 published by TC 74 and EN 60065 published by TC 92 go under systematic review and update for as long as necessary – it confirms that, any deviation for IEC’s standards, such as the common modification, special national conditions or type A deviations, are only generated when their is clear and justified need at European level – answers any questions related to the activities of CLC/TC 108, such as questions generated by the CCA personnel meetings relevant to the standards – updates the IEC/TC108 for any European requirements so that these are taken into account during the development of IEC / TC 108 standards |
TC 111X
Environment The committee – deals with all environmental aspects for electrical and electronic products and systems. – promote activities in CENELEC relevant to reducing detrimental impacts of electrotechnical activities/products/systems on the natural environment – strive to enhance CENELEC’s environmental links with the European legal framework, (particularly in the context EU commission) – develops the necessary standards framework and in co-operation with other CENELEC Technical Bodies co-ordinate the development of, or when necessary produce, the needed standardization deliverables – works closely with Product TCs remain autonomous in dealing with environmental aspects relevant to the products included in their scope promotes common technical approaches – collaborates with other prominent standardization bodies and organizations dealing with common environmental interests – communicates and provides consultation to the CENELEC Technical Board ad Technical Committees in relation to environmental matters. |
TC 204 Safety of electrostatic painting and finishing equipment The committee prepares standards that meet the basic requirements for protection against high voltage electric shocks in the construction, testing and use of electrostatic painting and refining equipment by spraying non-flammable material. |
TC 205 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) The committee develops standards for all aspects of home and building electronic systems in relation to the Information Society. In more detail: The committee develops standards to ensure integration of a wide spectrum of control applications and the control and management aspects of other applications in and around homes and buildings, including the gateways to different transmission media and public networks taking into account all matters of EMC and electrical and functional safety. TC 205 does not prepare device standards but the necessary performance requirements and necessary hardware and software interfaces. The standards should specify conformity tests. TC 205 activity is performed in close co-operation with relevant CENELEC TCs and those in CEN and ETSI. |
TC 205A Centralized communication systems The committee develops harmonized standards for communication systems that use low voltage power supply lines or building wiring as a transmission medium and that use frequencies from 3 kHz up to 30 MHz |
TC 206
Consumer equipment for entertainment and information and related sub-systems. The committee develops standards for audio, video and multimedia sub-systems and equipment for consumer use. This includes – receiving equipment for satellite, terrestrial and cable broadcasting services including associated data – imaging, recording and reproducing equipment and components – interfaces and interconnections between equipment – user interfaces – infrared systems and equipment – methods of measurement – harmonization of relevant IEC standards. |
TC 209 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services The committee develops harmonized standards and deliverables relating to cable networks including equipment, systems and installations for: – receiving, processing and transmission of sound and television signals and their respective data signals – processing, interfacing and transmitting all kinds of data signals for interactive services using all applicable transmission media – all kinds of networks such as – CATV – networks – MATV – networks and SMATV – networks – individual satellite and terrestrial television receiving systems and all kinds of equipment, systems and installations used in such cable networks, distribution and receiving systems. The extent of this standardization work is from the antennas and/or special signal source inputs to the headend or other interface points to the network up to the terminal input of the customer premises equipment. The standardization work will consider coexistence with users of the RF spectrum in wired and wireless transmission systems. The standardization of any user terminals (i.e. tuners, receivers, decoders, multimedia terminals etc.) as well as of any coaxial, balanced and optical cables and accessories thereof is excluded. |
TC 210 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) The committee develops the standards and EMC guidelines with emphasis on the EMC guidelines and other European guidelines containing references to the EMC and coordinates all activities related to electromagnetic compatibility within CENELEC |
TC 213
Cable Management Systems The committee prepares the Cable Management harmonized standards for the management, protection and other cable support products including: – rigid conduit systems and their metallic joints, their insulation and their composite material – articulated and flexile conduit systems, their insulation and their composite material – specifications for conduit systems for electrical installations – cable tray systems and cable ladder systems and cable ties for electrical installations |
TC 215
Electrotechnical aspects of telecommunication equipment The committee – coordinates the standardization work in the field of electrotechnical aspect of telecommunication equipment and collaborates closely with other standardization organizations – develops harmonized standards (EN and/or ENV) or contributes to the publication of ETSI(ETS and/or I-ETS) standards covering communication cable management (e.g. installation and configuration aspects for ISDN, LAN, etc.) in all types of installations, as well as the development of specific guidelines for equipment installation. – operates as a liaison based on the agreement between CENELEC-ETSI, indicating to CENELEC the areas withing which there is a need for standardization. At the same time, it identifies the relevant TC within CENELEC and assigns the technical work to the appropriate subject matter experts’ group. In the cases that there is not relevant committee within CENELEC that can deal with specific technical work, TC215 has the authority to create a new working group that will take over the relevant standardization activities. – updates ISO/IEC JTC1 international standardization output regarding the telecommunication equipment in the field of clients’ wiring installation. |
TC 216 Gas detectors The committee standardizes the generic and specific requirements for the production, safety, performance and testing of those electrical devices dedicated to detecting the presence of gas or smoke, provide an alarm and/or other external functional indication and provide a warning about the risk of explosion, fire or other health related risk. The TC216 activities are related to the internal gas detectors and those industrial and commercial detectors that are not covered by the CLC/SC 31-9 field. Also, depending on the circumstances, the TC provides information and guidelines related to the selection and installation of such devices. |
TC 218 Electrical installations contractors’ qualifications The committee develops draft standards that determine the generic criteria and references for the qualifications of electricians that undertake electrical, electronic, telecommunication and other types of electrical installations contained within the framework of the directive 93/37/EEC. The qualifications are generic and do not concentrate on any specific type of contracts. Field: The Technical committees work deals with the qualifications of electrical installation contractors within the 93/37/EEC directive |