Our organization has set up and operates a Customer Service & Information Centre at its headquarters. The purpose of the Centre is to provide relevant and updated information on enquiries related to the availability and accessibility of international, European and national standards as well as the provision of services for studying and/or purchasing standards.

CYS Customer Service & Information Centre, is consistently updated with all international, European and national standards, offers its services to the public on a daily basis and provides study and sales services (in printed and / or digital form) of standards published by:

  • the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, IEC),
  • European Standardization Organizations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI) as well as
  • other National Standardization Organizations (BSI, ELOT, CYS, DIN) of which is the exclusive supplier in Cyprus. The standards of the National Standardization Organizations BSI, ELOT, DIN are available only for purchase and following the submission of an order to the respective Standardization Organization.

Furthermore, ISE provides access to the largest and most updated global bibliographic database of standards “Perinorm”.