Opening Hours

Monday:         08:30 a.m. – 14:30 p.m.

Tuesday:         08:30 a.m. – 14:30 p.m.

Wednesday:   08:30 a.m. – 15:00 p.m.

Thursday:       08:30 a.m. – 14:30 p.m.

Friday:             08:30 a.m. – 14:30 p.m.

Frequently asked questions

Who is the Cyprus Organization for Standardisation?

  • The Cyprus Organization for Standardisation(CYS) is the National Organization for Standardization in Cyprus. CYS oversees all the standardization activities since January 1, 2005, in accordance with the LAW ON STANDARDIZATION, ACCREDITATION AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION 2002, which transferred the standardization activities from the Cyprus Organization for the Promotion of Quality of the Ministry of Energy, Trade, Industry and Tourism, to CYS.
  • Since then, it operates under the status of a limited liability company with the Republic of Cyprus being the sole shareholder. It is governed by a 7-member Board consisting of representatives of the Ministries of Finance and Trade, the deputy ministry of Industry & Tourism as well as bodies from the private sector such as the Cyprus Consumers Association, OEB, KEVE, TEPAK and ETEK.

What is the mission of CYS?

The participation in the development, publication and adoption of European Standards

The promotion of European Standards in Cyprus with the aim to:

  • increase the competitiveness of Cypriot companies and organizations
  • improve the quality of life
  • protection of the environment
  • ensure the health and safety of both consumers and the workforce

What do we mean by the term Standardization?

  • The term standardization refers to all activities by which the commonly agreed technical specifications and/or guidelines for the use or application of a product or a service are defined
  • Standardization consists of the activities relating to the development, publication and implementation of standards that aim at the conformity of products and services which in turn enables free trade and the economic prosperity of countries

What is a Standard?

  • The standard is a document (rule, guideline) that has been developed with the consent of all parties, has been approved and endorsed by a standardization body and contains all those necessary specifications and attributes of a product or service to be considered of high quality

Are standards mandatory?

  • Neither national, nor European standards are mandatory unless the respective national or European legislation considers them mandatory. National standardization bodies (in the case of Cyprus, the Cyprus Standardization Organization) are obliged to adopt all European Standards as National Standards. Following the adoption of a European Standard, the respective national standards must be withdrawn within a period of 6 months

What is a “European harmonized standard”?

  • A European harmonized standard is a standard developed by the European Standardization Organizations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI) to meet the basic safety requirements of the European New Approach Directives and their correct implementation.
  • These standards are mandatory and their adoption in the national legislation of the Member States is mandatory.The certification or the self-declaration to the provisions of application of the harmonized standards, is an indication of compliance with the above mentioned European Directives and leads to the “CE” seal