European & International Standardization Organizations

In an effort to determine a national position in relation to the European Standard drafts , the technical committees are preparing draft text and submit it for peer review to all European Standardization Organizations’ members. During the peer review of a draft document, CYS is responsible to publish all relevant text to all stakeholders for commenting so as to determine what the national position should be. The comments could be of technical nature, could have the form of spelling and grammar corrections or could be generic. The national position in regards to the draft is determined by the comments and recommendations that are adjudicated by the national and mirror committees (see relevant page), the national representatives/observers and following their title publication on CYS website or other websites, as well as after targeted briefing of interested parties when deemed necessary.

In the case of CYS’s active participation in international organizations’ standardization committees (P-member) through national delegates/representatives (see relevant page), participation in the voting process over the draft international standards is compulsory. The national delegates inform the assigned CYS employee about their position before the voting takes place.

ISO/IEC/CEN/CENELEC Commenting Template