Standardization Sectors
Participation in standardization
What are the opportunities and benefits of participating in standardization?
The Cyprus Organization for Standardisation (CYS) provides the opportunity to all stakeholders and subject matter experts from public and private bodies in Cyprus, as well as from the academic community to participate and contribute to the work of standardization and at the same time, remain updated in regards to the subjects of their interest. To this end, CYS has implemented mechanisms, through which it promotes and supports the participation of actors in the activities of National, European and International standardization. The mechanisms implemented by CYS and the interested are invited to use are listed below.
CYS’s human power consists of scientists in the fields of engineering, electrical engineering, chemistry / chemical engineering and civil engineering, and participates on an equal basis in national standardization bodies during the processes of development, enquiry, publication and adoption of European standards. In the case where there is a need to prepare national annexes for the customization of standards in order to meet the needs of the local market, CYS establishes and manages special committees, the National Technical Committees, which are composed of subject matter experts and representatives from relevant organizations.
These Committees elaborate and develop custom product specifications that need to be part of European Standards at the stage of their development and before their publication and adoption. These custom specifications are necessary and are influenced by the geological and climate conditions in Cyprus.
As part of its multidimensional contribution to European standardization, CYS hosts in Cyprus a number of meetings of European technical committees and at the same time encourages the participation of the commercial and industrial bodies, thus actively contributing to knowledge transfer.
National Representatives
Any stakeholders and subject matter expert can actively participate in the work of the European and international Technical Standardization Committees. Committee sessions are organized according to the needs of each committee, usually in a different country each time (subject to COVID-19 restrictions). A committee’s agenda might include a review of the Committee’s work, a discussion of the work plan, problems that arise, existing or new standardization or legal aspects concerning each committee.
Those interested can submit the relevant application request (link below) to CYS and following their application approval by the CYS Management can act as its representatives in the Committees.
The members of the Committee receive electronically all the relevant information and are in constant communication with the assigned CYS Officer before any Committee meetings, in order to determine the official national position. At the end of each meeting, the national representative prepares and submits to CYS a report on the various themes discussed during the committee sessions.
National Committees
When and where necessary, CYS establishes National Technical Committees categorized by sector. Stakeholders and subject matter experts from public and private bodies whose activities and knowledge relate to the standardization work performed can attend the relevant committee meetings. The National Technical Committees meet on a regular basis and their activities include the development of national annexes or national standards, review and suggestion of national standards withdrawal, defining the national standardization boundaries and the promotion of standards in the local market. The approval to participation in National Technical Committees is provided by the Board of Directors of the Organization.
For more information visit the National and Mirror Committees pages
Mirror Committees
In the effort of CYS to monitor the activities of the European and International Committees, CYS has established 13 Mirror Committees and their standardization work has been classified based οn sectors. The Mirror Committees work is performed through electronic correspondence and this provides them with the opportunity to review or reflect over the draft European / International standards as well as the opportunity to customize the standards guidelines based οn our country’s characteristics (climatic, geological, economic, linguistic, etc.). By presenting their suggestions and comments, the members of the MCs define and determine the national position on the standards. The work of MCs involves representatives of the academic community, representatives of government departments / services, professional associations as well as subject matter experts, representatives of consumers and other non-governmental organizations and private sector bodies.
For more information visit the National and Mirror Committees page
How to participate?
Below you will find all the necessary forms for participation in the standardization processes
- Application for Participation in the activities of National, European or International Standardization – Download PDF
- Agreement Document between Cyprus Standardization Organization (CYS) and CYS Representative in International and European Standardization Activities – Download PDF
Examples of Standards in Action
From accident prevention symbols to vital sign monitoring in medicine.
EN1836 Standard for sunglasses
A wide range of standards protect the free activities and related products we use in them
ISO 22000:2018
Food safety management systems — Requirements for any organization in the food chain.
How do standards ensure the quality and safety of our most vital activity?