The Cyprus Standardization Organization (CYS) is actively participating in the International and European Standardization activity and promotes national interests, while at the same time promotes the adoption and use of European and international standards in the local industry and services sectors. CYS is a full member of the European Standardization Organizations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI and monitors the activities of the European Technical Standardization Committees (CEN TCs).
Through the use of Mirror Committees whose entire work is performed through the Electronic Platform ISO Solutions Portal, it is possible to review the draft European / International standards, as well as to reflect and suggest provisions to the standards based on the particularities of our country (climatic, geologic, economic, linguistic, etc.). At the same time, the members of Mirror Committees highlight their observations and provide their comments, thus formulating the national position in relation to the standards being developed. The work of Mirror Committees is performed by representatives of the academic community, the government departments / services, professional associations, individual companies, as well as subject matter experts, representatives of consumers and other non-governmental organizations.
At national level, Mirror Committee CYS MC 001 Civil Engineering & Construction Products, is established to monitor the respective activities at European and international level and where necessary, submits suggestions / comments on draft European and International Standards in a consensual manner. There are currently 19 active subcommittees under the supervision of CYS MC 001 and each one is in charge to monitor their respective European Standardization Committees dealing with specific aspects of Civil Engineering