CYS, as the national standardization body, is a member of the International Organization for Electrotechnical Standardization IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and the European Organization for Electrotechnical Standardization CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization).
CENELEC prepares standards on a volunteering basis. These standards which facilitate trade between states, create new markets, reduce costs of complying with European Directives and Regulations and support the European Single Market development efforts. Through its activities, CENELEC enables access to the European Market but also to the international market, since it adopts international standards based on the Frankfurt Agreement and the close cooperation with the IEC.
Due to its European Union member status and being a full member of CENELEC, Cyprus is obliged to adopt all European standards (EN), harmonized standards (HD), technical reports (TR) and technical specifications (TS) prepared by CENELEC.
CYS, as the administrator of the national standardization system, participates in the development, makes available for public review and adopts the European standards published by CENELEC as national standards. At the same time, it provides the Cypriot Subject Matter experts the opportunity to in the European Technical Committees that develop the European standards and submit their comments and suggestions thus contributing to the European standards content development.
The electrical sector covers the areas of electrical engineering, information security, smart cities, electrical equipment and appliances, electrical installations, lighting equipment, electric motors and transformers, cables, medical equipment and other related areas.