Standards in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are essential for achieving compatibility of new technologies, which results in significant benefits to both industry and consumers.
The existence of common ICT standards is an essential measure to ensure that European Industries are at the forefront of technology development and implementation. ICT Standards ensure compatibility, so that new technologies work smoothly and reliably together.
The priorities of the ICT standardization focus, both at National and European level, on technologies which are considered fundamental for the broader competitiveness of the EU. Such technologies are the 5G, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity and Big Data. The development of these technologies can accelerate the digitization of businesses and have a direct impact on competitiveness in areas such as e-health, smart transport systems, connected / automated vehicles, smart cities, blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI).
In the Telecommunications Sector, which includes radio communications, the Cyprus Organization for Standardization (CYS) adopts all relevant European Standards, including those developed by the European Telecommunications Standardization Organization (ETSI).
The National Mirror Committee MC 07 receives updates on a regular basis both about standards that are at the Public Consultation stage and about the European Harmonized Standards which need to be adopted by Cyprus.
Within its operational framework of the above mentioned committee undertakes to examine and vote on draft European Standards prepared by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), taking into consideration any factors, which are particular to the Cypriot telecommunications sector. Any remarks and / or comments on the drafts can be transferred to the competent European Technical Standardization Committees of ETSI through CYS .
Another National Mirror Committee is relevant to the Standardization in the Blockchain & Distribute Ledger Technologies Sector. This committee reviews and evaluates the International and European Standards prepared by the International Commission ISO TC 307 and the European Commission CEN / CLC / JTC 019 respectively.
Technical Experts both from the Private and the Public Sector participate as National Representatives in the General Assemblies of the Plenary Sessions of the Committees and their Subgroups.
The following include all the Committees, both International and European, in which CYS actively participates.
International Standards Organization (ISO)
ISO TC 307 : Blockchain and Distribute Ledger Technologies
ISO TC 204 : Intelligent Transport Systems
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 40 : IT Service Management
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
CEN/CLC/JTC 019 : Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
CEN TC 456: Reporting in support of online gambling supervision
CEN TC 278 WG 17: Ιntelligent Transport Systems – Cooperative ITS