Τετάρτη, 31 Ιουλίου 2019 07:17

ISO training on Members' voting responsibilities - Short video

ISO members that miss either 1 DIS/ FDIS/ SR ballot or over 20% of committee CIBs are downgraded from P to O member in the related committee for one year.

This is of course is a concern to the committee as we can lose P members and to WGs who can have experts excluded from participation.

In order to address this issue, ISO has produced a short video showing P membership responsibilities and giving suggestions on how to prevent missing votes and being downgraded.

English version:
French version:

These videos, as well as the other training video material on ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 (processes) and Part (drafting rules) can be found on the ISO YouTube training channel (

Source: ISO